PreachPrayObey was created to provide women with stationery resources to assist them in growing their relationship with God. When I was on the hunt for resources to assist me, I was tired of viewing products with scriptures plastered on the side of the page, with no interpretation, explanation, or guidance on it.

We all go through a transitional season in our lives where we are trying to figure out our purpose and our calling.

- What did God place me on this earth to do?

- How will I further his kingdom?

When I was 21 years old, I thought I couldn’t enjoy life as a Christian woman. I was young and attempting to navigate what I wanted to do
with my life. I didn’t even know who I was or how God viewed me. People always tried to make me feel as if I couldn’t go out with my friends, go out partying, date, or etc. I felt lost and confused. I didn’t have any clarity on how to
grow my relationship with God.

They tried to place a “perfect” stereotype on me and judged me for my actions. Unfortunately, in this world, common culture accepts judgment and condemnation as a normal thing. However, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. How do I know that? By staying clinged to Jesus and His word. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. He is
the ONLY ONE who is PERFECT.

Remember that GREATER is he that is within us than anyone in this world.


In order to know what God truly wants for us, we have to stay in his word day and night, pray, and be in relationship with him. He is the only person who can answer those questions that we have.

By growing your relationship with him, you will realize the answers you seek have already been given to you. Make the commitment to have God as a priority in your life. We have to choose him each and every day. You will begin to see his promises come to fruition. He has never broke a promise nor left it unfulfilled.

We are all on this journey together. We are praying for you, crying with you, supporting you, and growing with you! We are there with you while you are deep in sin and trying to get out. God will guide you out. He will change the posture of your heart. No God-Fearing Queen Left Behind!